Saturday, 29 November 2008

Stop! It's the Police!

A moment of (I think) weirdness. This afternoon I got stopped by the police whilst walking home from taking the dog for a walk in the local woods. They were on a "High Visibility Anti-Burglary Patrol" and asked what I was doing (duh) and where I was going. They then asked me for some ID and this is where it got a bit weird because I had none. The policeman seemed quite confused and even explained to me "most people have got some form of ID on them."

Now I've got no problem with the Police, I don't even mind the occasional random stop if it makes some little scrote think twice about pinching my car or breaking into my house. But do people really carry their passport and driving licence when they take the dog for a walk? Maybe they do and I'm the weird one.

Anyway, I pointed out I had been walking a dog round a wood and they seemed sufficiently happy to take note of my name,address, date of birth and how long I'd lived there and that's it, the end of my drama for the day.

Although...........right now some super computer at MI6 has probably flagged this post and just because you're reading it alarm bells are ringing and your details are being transferred to a database of potential 'unidentifiable dog walkers'............. or maybe not*.


*or maybe!

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