Friday, 28 November 2008

First Post

Oh well, welcome to my blog. If you've found this you either know me (lucky old you) or you really need to get out more. I've no idea what drivel I'm going to post in here or how regularly I'm going to update it. I intend to post regularly but intentions have a nasty habit of being just that and never getting beyond being an intention and actually becoming a...erm....thing.

If I had to guess now likely topics are going to be moaning about work ( I work in IT support), bitching about drivers (I cycle to work everyday), complaining about DIY (I'm refurbing a house) and Whingeing about everything else.

Except bikes, I love bikes, specifically mountain bikes. I've been riding for about 18 years now and thanks to bikes I know a fantastic bunch of people (pretty well everyone I know rides), I've been all over this country and a couple of places beyond, I'm fitter than people half my age and I've had the perfect excuse to waste money on shiny things (and the associated tools) that will allegedly make me go faster. But the main reason I love bikes is no matter how bad a day I've had or how stressed out I am, I know all I have to do is throw a leg over my bike and instantly my problems fade away. I stop thinking about a million and one things and all that matters is the next six feet of trail rushing towards me.

Thanks for reading this far and if you do comment be gentle with me.


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